Calcasieu Cut Ups Quilt Guild

Mark Your Calendars!

**January 16th 9 am to 4 pm at Thib's Pecan Cottage in Longville, La. Featherweights Sit and Sew. Bring your machine, your projects, your lunch, and $5.

**February 2nd 10 am at First Baptist Church Moss Bluff in Lake Charles, La. Guild Meeting. 

    - UFO #6 due

**February 4th 10 am at First Baptist Church Moss Bluff in Lake Charles, La. Quilts of Valor sew day. Please register with Erika M. Kits and lunch will be provided.

**February 7th 9 am to 4 pm at Thibs Pecan Cottage in Longville, La. General   Sit and Sew. Bring your machine, your projects, your lunch, and $5.

Looking Ahead - Monthly Programs

February - Colors by Brenda F.

March - Starching demo with Kathy P.

April -

May  -

June - 

July - Guild Birthday party! 

August -

September -

October -

November -

December - Christmas party! 

Programs subject to change due to presenter availability. Ya'll know life happens sometimes.

Rhonda enjoying a

Sit and Sew!